Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How Does the Easter Bunny Know I Wanted This?

As my kids get older, I find it harder not to tell the little ones the true Easter bunny secret. Zach has known the secret for years, and last Easter was the first for Hayley, which then included the secret about Santa. Zach has been good about keeping it mum, but Hayley at times, likes to share parts of her knowledge, and drop little hints. It is only a matter of time before Tyler or Justin catch on to her hints, and then, maybe Easter/Christmas/Tooth Fairy will be easier, or will it. I think I like the innocence of the whole Easter Bunny/Santa idea. Kids are happy with what these two fantasized heroes bring them. Whereas, when it comes from Mom and Dad, the kids tend to drop lists and hints of things they want, then expect. Don't get me wrong, my two older kids are always grateful and happy with what they get, but as parents, we can see the disappointed look in their eyes, when the other two have sure joy! Things to look forward to...


Melissa said...

What cute pictures! Sounds like the Easter bunny was very good this year - nice work!

Stacy said...

Growing up can be a bummer. Cute pics!