Monday, October 27, 2008

Pirate Adventures

Well, I survived the last of the birthday parties for the year. I have concluded that it is best to throw the same party twice, the reason, the second time around, it turns out better! This was true for Justin and Tyler's pirate party. Justin's party was in February, and Tyler's was last weekend. Luckily, I was smart enough to save all of the work I put into Justin's for Tyler's, and smart enough to throw them the same party, different friends! I think I even kept Tyler's to a half hour shorter, and added a couple of different games/crafts (thanks Missie!). Everything went smoothly (I credit that to having Kris around this time), and the kids had a great time! Next year's parties...No friend parties, just doing something fun with the family! I think I like next year already.


Stacy said...

Fun! Looks like you have a future basketball and/or football player on your hands. I can't believe how tall Tyler is!

Melissa said...

That's a lot of boys. Good work on making it through all the parties! Now on to the holidays.