Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bad Break...

I don't know what it is about my two oldest kids, but they have both had the misfortune of breaking the same arm (the left on both), twice! Zach broke his when he was 5 and went a week before mom and dad realized that it really was broken, oops! The second time was two years ago right at the beginning of baseball season. Luckily, his coach talked him into trying to wear his mitt over the cast, and what do ya know, it worked! He was able to help his team out and be the pitcher for the season. That one was a doozy and was a 5 week cast.
(Broken arm #2 -sorry no picture of #1, wasn't in the mood to scan picture)
Hayley on the other hand, broke hers the first time 3 years ago while trying out her new Heely's. She was afraid of having a broken arm so she insisted it was not broken, and mom and dad were convinced until a few days later when we noticed she was still favoring it. A bright pink cast made her not so afraid. The second time happened last night when she flipped over the handle bars on her bike when little bro Ty, cut her off. She somewhat convinced us that it was okay again, until this morning when we were pretty sure she broke it again. So, after church, mom and dad took Hayley to our favorite Kids Instacare in Layton, whom I am sure almost recognize us, and spent two hours there, waiting to find out the same....broken. This time she sported a lime green with blue stripe cast! Can't miss her! I just hope Justin and Tyler don't repeat this tradition (they seem to lean towards the plastic surgery/stitches on the face). That's another tradition that needs to end!
(Broken arm #1)
(Broken arm #2)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to School

Notice how Tyler is standing next to the shortest kid in the class! (BTW, he had that backpack on since 7 this morning.)
Hair already kind of flat!

Just happy...

Moments before the chaos!
Only pic of the big junior high student (at least I got one!)

Today, we transitioned from sleeping in and hanging out, to getting up early and heading to school. This year, Zach started junior high (7th grade), Hayley started 5th grade, Justin started 2nd grade, and Tyler started Kindergarten. Mom got up at 6:30 and didn't stop running until everyone was home from school (about 3 pm). Unfortunately, Zach does not get bussed to junior high, so I had to run him to school, come home curl Hayley's hair (for about a half an hour), then rush the elementary kids over to school for the lovely flag ceremony that the principal insists on doing every year (what a waste!), then came home, ate breakfast, finished getting ready and had about an hour until Tyler had to be at school for kindergarten (on early-out day schedule, another total waste!) After dropping him off and getting the traditional pictures, (and not crying) I treated myself to lunch after running a couple of errands, then came home to relax for about half an hour before heading to the school, making sure the younger kids all made it on the right bus, then drove home and enjoyed my last 5 minutes of peace for the day. Zach's school got out around 3, so after that my day could slow down. Luckily, tomorrow everyone is riding the bus (except Zach, hopefully he is riding his bike) and they have full schedule day, except Tyler who has the rest of the week off for Kindergarten testing (once again, another waste!). I hope everyone else enjoyed their back to school day. Now off to go sign a gazillion papers for school (why must they give all the homework to the parents on the first day of school?)...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Be Careful What You Wish For!

I have had a really slow blogging summer. I have not had many posts, because, well, there wasn't anything to really post about. I remember thinking last week how cute some of my nephews and friends little boys were, and all the funny, cute things they do that make a mom want to share. I haven't had that in a while, because my kids are 12, 10, 7 and 5. They are kinda past that cute stage (sorry kids, but it's true). Sometimes I wish my kids would do or say something cute or funny, just so I could have something to blog.

Well, I wouldn't call it cute, but Tyler came in with Justin in tow, just as it was time to get ready for bed, and announced that he just got sprayed by a skunk. He was kind of laughing and so was Justin, so I said, "No you didn't", until the smell caught up to him in my living room, and both Kris and I smelled it at the same time! We quickly herded him back outside, Kris got armed with the hose and I had my camera. After squirting him off in his undies, Kris then took him in to the bath and I worked on the clothes scattered on the lawn. Two cans of tomato sauce, 5 cherry tomates and one hour later, we decided to call it good. He still smells, but the skunk got him right in the ear and face (he was only less than a foot away from the stinking thing!). Not areas that are easily scrubbed.

We found out that the boys went to visit their fort with two of the neighbor kids (an old olive tree in the open space by our house), and Tyler needed to use the bathroom. Instead of coming home, he went behind the fort and came face to rear with the skunk! The worst part of it all is we were really trying to have the kids go to bed early to get ready for school in two weeks. That didn't happen. Most of all, I think it was Tyler's destiny...

(Tyler and Justin, Halloween 2006)