M E D D A L I O N. That was the word that Hayley misspelled in the spelling bee, but not too bad, she came in 2nd place out of her school and will be going on to district. Congratulations Hayley! I am so proud of you!
Hayley excited about Electronic Monopoly, she looks like she is crying though!
Tyler and Justin opening their scooters at the same time. We made them open these last!
Christmas was good, the kids and hubby are all back to school and work, and life is quiet. I think the kids all had a good Christmas, Santa was extra nice, the kids must have done something right. Zach had already used most of his Christmas presents prior to Christmas, but there were a few gifts still under the tree. His big gifts were his skis and Powder Mountain season ski pass. He has been going a lot with friends and loves to ski! I wish I could find a sport this kid does not love! Hayley wanted a new bedroom for Christmas and a new mp3 player. The bedroom was a big success and turned out so cute! She is officially in her "teenage" room, no more little girl room. Tyler and Justin got motor scooters, and the weather was nice enough they were able to go ride around the neighborhood on Christmas day. Glad to be back to normal life though...
I am the lucky mom to 4 wonderful children. Zach, who's 15, Hayley who is 12, Justin who is 9, and Tyler who is 8. I am also married to a great guy, Kris. I get to stay-at-home with my children and learn and grow with them.